Stop smoking tips

How to Stop Smoking When It Feels Hopeless

I had always heard the warnings about how much damage smoking could do, but I guess I never really thought that anything bad would happen to me.  I certainly knew that I felt winded when I did activities, but I didn’t realize what was going on inside of me.  I learned a lot after I had a stroke.  I learned that smoking can send your cholesterol through the roof.  Mine was around 300.  I learned that smoking can cause your arteries to get clogged.  I now only have about 1/4 of one carotid artery working.  I learned that it can drive your blood pressure up.  I’m still on medication for that.  I also learned that quitting smoking, although a real challenge to do, became easier when I realized that it was legitimately killing me.  I count my blessings that I wasn’t more messed up than I was by my stroke.  I quit smoking for good after I landed in the hospital, and the neurologist gave me check-out instructions to go home, take baby aspirin, and pray.  He was not big on bedside manners.

A collection of tips and products that might help you to stop smoking

I’ve collected some tips that may or may not help you fight the urges that come with being addicted to nicotine.  I don’t even want to limit this to smoking cigarettes now because vaping seems to be taking over. It is just a new way to get hooked on an old vice, though.  I hope this stuff helps someone to kick the habit before they have to go the route that I did. Good luck!  By the way, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, but I’ll only recommend things that I think can help people.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Steps 1, 2, and 3 (21, 14, and 7 mg) | 56 Patches (8 Week Kit)Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Steps 1, 2, and 3 (21, 14, and 7 mg) | 56 Patches (8 Week Kit)Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Steps 1, 2, and 3 (21, 14, and 7 mg) | 56 Patches (8 Week Kit)Nicorette 4mg Nicotine Gum to Help Quit Smoking with Behavioral Support Program - Fruit Chill Flavored Stop Smoking Aid, 160 CountNicorette 4mg Nicotine Gum to Help Quit Smoking with Behavioral Support Program – Fruit Chill Flavored Stop Smoking Aid, 160 CountNicorette 4mg Nicotine Gum to Help Quit Smoking with Behavioral Support Program - Fruit Chill Flavored Stop Smoking Aid, 160 Count



5 Negative Attitudes That Can Cause A Smoking Relapse

A good majority of smokers that decide to quit smoking are faced with the need to light just one more cigarette. There is no easy way to cope with these feelings, but in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle, you know you need to quit. In order to prevent a major relapse, more thought is needed than planning and courage. In fact, there are 5 attitudes that you should avoid in order to prevent a relapse.

Some smokers just get too cocky or self-confident thinking that quitting is not hard. In fact, these same people also believe that it’s okay to light a cigarette once in a while and get back to their smoking cessation program afterwards. When you start progressing in your quitting program, you may feel that you have the upper hand in your addiction and the power to say no to nicotine. Experts call this type of behavior “romancing the cigarette”. As an addict, you will always be vulnerable and never let your guard down!

Take responsibility for your own actions. A lot of smokers point fingers as to whose fault it was that they were addicted in the first place. Understand that smoking was your choice in its entirety and no one forced you into it. Once you take responsibility for your own decision to start smoking, you can start making progress in your endeavor to quit.

Never under any circumstances feel sorry for yourself. Instead of a dose of self pity, be proud of yourself for taking the first step in leading a nicotine free life! It is not an easy path to travel, especially when a lot of people around you weren’t strong enough to quit. It is a process that will prove to be difficult and demanding, but you will feel proud when you regain your freedom.

You need to be patient when quitting. Impatience can be the cause of a relapse! Quitting is different for everyone. Some smokers require two or three tries before success, and others can quit their first time around. If you have been smoke-free for at least a month or two, it can be a lot of effort to avoid lighting a cigarette. Don’t be impatient with yourself; with enough effort and as time goes by, you will crave it less and less.

Avoid a dose of pessimism. Quitting is not easy, but if you have already made your mind up that quitting won’t work, you are setting yourself up for failure. Don’t be cruel to yourself! Never tell yourself that you can’t and give yourself some positive thinking each day to get you through. There is nothing you can’t conquer with the right attitude and mindset.

Give yourself the chance to really quit smoking by having the best attitude possible towards quitting. If you suffer from any of the mentioned five bad attitudes, you are already setting yourself up for failure. Avoid the negative thinking.

Things To Steer Clear Of As You Try To Give Up Smoking

Trying to quit is tough, no doubt about that, but certain things will make it even harder on you, either now or in the long-term future. Steer clear of them as you try to quit smoking and put yourself in a better position to successfully end your addiction for good.

1. Avoid over-indulging in food. The nerves, fidgeting and craving will all lead you to your refrigerator, but you must resist the temptation to use food to get over smoking. Otherwise, you’ll just end up putting so much weight on that you’ll be trading cigarettes for obesity! Use foods like carrot and celery sticks or plain old water if you have to, but don’t become a junk-food addict and pack on the pounds as you quit — this can be a quick path back to smoking and scare you away from quitting for good.

2. Cut down or quit other habits that make you want a smoke. Many smokers love a cigarette with a great cup of coffee or ice-cold beer, for example. No matter what usually accompanies your smoking, stay away from it, at least for now. You may want to avoid alcohol for the next little while. Not only does drinking make you crave a cigarette, but it also impairs your judgement. Additionally, if you’re around people drinking, there are bound to be smokers among them too, then you’re really apt to trip up!

3. Keep your distance from those who smoke. Even if they are family members or your best friends, avoiding smokers as you overcome your addiction to nicotine is essential! You don’t want to be exposed to the smell or sight of it and although others may try to be kind or encouraging to you, when you see them puffing away you will naturally want to join them. Hang out with healthy people who can’t stand smoking and will cheer on your efforts!

4. Don’t do it all on your own. Smoking is a very personal thing, but you’ve got to go public to quit it. Join a support group where other people can advise you and offer helpful tips to keep you on the right track. Meet up with people who have been there and done that and enjoy the company of smokers who are trying to quit too, because there is nothing like being able to relate to people when you are going through something really difficult.

5. Never be too hard on yourself if you stumble. People who succeed on the first try are rare and it may take you many attempts to succeed. Therefore, it’s necessary for you to be positive and encouraging with yourself, not harsh, judgmental or damning. Get up, dust yourself off and try it again. You will only persevere if you can believe in yourself and maintain a good attitude about it!

Tips For Finally Kicking The Smoking Habit

Nobody disputes the harm to health an well-being posed by the smoking of tobacco products. The evidence is clear. If the time has come for you to rid yourself of this very damaging habit, the following thoughts can help. Take the tips and advice contained herein, and get started on living a healthier life right away.

When you first resolve to quit smoking, it is worth spending the time it takes to develop a concrete plan to help guide you along the way. Because the process of quitting is often quite challenging, it pays to formulate some incremental steps to make the task feel more manageable. Fortunately, there are lots of resources available both online and in books that can get you started.Stop smoking tips

In advance of your quitting start date, take the time to keep something of a journal that chronicles the time and conditions under which you typically smoke cigarettes. Perhaps you tend to smoke primarily after eating meals. If so, write that down. Maybe you smoke primarily when socializing with friends or indulging in an alcoholic beverage or two. No matter when the urge hits, making note of the whens and whys of your smoking will help you be more aware of your smoking triggers and give you a better chance of avoiding them as you work to quit.

Once you have a clear notion of when you generally tend to smoke, work on developing alternative activities that will help keep your mind off of the idea of lighting up. If you like to smoke after eating, consider taking a leisurely stroll for those ten minutes instead. If you often smoke while hanging out with friends, perhaps you could eat a lollipop instead as a means to keep your mouth busy. The key is to have a plan at the ready so that you are prepared to occupy yourself in a healthy way during those everyday moments that would normally call for a cigarette.

Hydration can be a great tool for anyone embarking on a plan to quit smoking. Carrying a bottle of water along with you at all times is a good way to keep your hands and mouth busy when cravings hit. Flushing your system with fresh water will also boost your feeling of overall health, which may increase your commitment to ushering the unhealthy habit of smoking out of your life for good. Drinking lots of water can also help you feel full, thus staving off the overeating that all too often accompanies smoking cessation efforts.

Finally, as you continue with your attempts to quit smoking, it is important to realize that slip-ups and backsliding is bound to occur, at least on occasion. Smoking is a very powerful vice that most people find extremely difficult to kick. Therefore, do not view yourself as a failure if you succumb to the temptation and have a cigarette. It may take multiple tries before you finally quit, so do not beat yourself up. Rather, reinforce your commitment to health and keep working.

Top 4 Things You Get Out Of Quitting Cigarettes

Everyone talks about quitting smoking, but no one really speaks of the benefits of quitting other than health reasons. There are a lot of ways that a cigarette free lifestyle can improve your overall way of life. Many people have become the slaves of tobacco and find it next to impossible to quit. Instead of having just the willpower, consider the following 4 things that can explain what you gain from quitting.

You gain your freedom by giving up smoking. Much like a bad life partner, smoking holds you accountable and prevents you from doing the things you love. Since you are addicted to cigarette smoke, you have to light up once every hour or two without a break in between. When you are deprived of the chance to light a cigarette, the withdrawal symptoms start to the point where you faint from the deprivation. There are a lot of places that don’t allow you to smoke in which case quitting helps make these places accessible to you; even if it’s your friend’s house.

Smokers often overlook how much money they spend on cigarettes alone each year. In a recently conducted study, it was concluded that the average American spends over $36,000 a year on cigarettes. Just take the time and count how many boxes of cigarettes you smoke in a given month. The subtotal may shock you! Now imagine that same amount of money helping you pay your bills on time or get out of debt. You really are spending a fortune in order to kill your own body.

Smokers are aware of the consequences that smoking has on their body, but that’s really until those illnesses affect them personally. Smokers can suffer from lung cancer and heart disease, but are you really ready to take them on? Science has proven that humans are afraid of dying. People who find out they have terminal cancer often cry in response. You can save yourself the trouble of dying, by starting to really live. Living starts by quitting your smoking habit.

People often use smoking as a means to stay awake. Call center agents often light up in the early morning hours to finish the graveyard shift. In order to be energetic, our body must have full circulation. Unfortunately, smoking prevents your blood from properly flowing through your veins and can drop down your level of energy. By quitting, you can regain your vigor! Smokers set out to fool themselves by assuming that smoking keeps them busy or helps them stay awake longer. Once again, this is just another myth that smokers want to believe but have no proven facts to back up.  Quitting smoking takes a certain mind frame and motivation. One of the strongest motivators is your health, but you need other rewards too to keep you going.

Top Reasons Why Most People Fail To Quit Smoking

Many people start on the path of quitting smoking, but ultimately end up failing in the end. There are many factors that affect whether or not you are truly able to quit this bad habit. Unfortunately, when failure occurs, you don’t want to start quitting again. Instead of wondering why you’ve failed, use the information below as a guide to explain why most people fail to quit.

Most people who fail to quit smoking do so because they find the withdrawal symptoms to be unbearable. When you finally decide to quit, make sure that in your mind you are truly ready to handle the symptoms, no matter how unpleasant they are. First time quitters can experience extreme irritability, anxiety and even depression. Think of ways that you can handle the withdrawal symptoms before you stop smoking to ensure you really are able to quit.

A lot of people who try to quit smoking find themselves trying to satisfy their cigarette cravings by eating more. Eating more foods will cause weight gain in most individuals. In order to stop gaining weight, they light another cigarette. Instead of starting to smoke again, eat foods that are healthier for you and will not cause you to gain more weight.

Ensure that you have a plan set in place. Trying to quit just won’t do! You need to be fully dedicated to quitting, and make sure you are ready to trash those cigarettes for good. Have a plan as to how to approach your ultimate goal of quitting, and don’t just wander aimlessly on the chosen path.

A lot of people smoke because it is socially acceptable and their friends frown upon non-smokers. It is important that the idea of losing a social life over quitting doesn’t affect your outlook. People who force you into smoking are not your friends, and your life is certainly better without smoking.

Don’t let pessimism ruin your chances of a better life. When you start quitting, you need to be optimistic about quitting and your chances of success. Smoking has been in your life for years, and it is a hard habit to break. However, that doesn’t mean it is impossible to quit.

If you need help to quit, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. If you were a chain smoker, it is important that you don’t shy away from getting help with the psychological aspects of quitting as well as the nasty withdrawal symptoms. It is rare that someone can quit smoking without any help at all.

Have the self-confidence to quit. A lot of those smokers who fail to quit just don’t feel that they will ever succeed. Choosing not to believe in your cause is already setting yourself up for failure.

Many people want to quit smoking, but they fail due to many of the reasons mentioned above. It is not an easy path to quitting, but it is important that if you really want to lead a smoke-free life, you are ready to give it up. Avoid making the mistakes mentioned above, and you will be on your way to success!

Getting Support When You Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Don’t think too hard when you try to finally quit smoking. Just try to use every tool possible from your arsenal and eventually you should be able to overcome and quit your nasty habit.

One of the first things you should consider is to see your doctor and ask him for some advice. Doctors have likely seen many cases like yours in the past and will be able to recommend you specific treatments to help you quit easier. They will also be familiar with your general health history. Some techniques may not work very well for you because of other conditions you already have.

Many people have trouble when it comes to quitting smoking because they always feel like they need that feeling of a cigarette in their mouth. Figure out something else that you can put in your mouth instead of a cigarette. Almost anything would be a healthier alternative. You can chew on a pen, or you can even find fake cigarettes that feel just like regular cigarettes, but they don’t actually light up.

Nicotine gum and patches exist for a reason. By using these products you will be able to slowly get yourself free of your nicotine addiction over time. For many smokers, the actual physical addiction is the most difficult part to overcome since it requires patience.

There are prescription drugs that are specifically designed to help people stop smoking. When you see your doctor, ask him if these drugs are a good option for what you want to do.  Just be sure to watch out for side effects and let your doctor know right away if you experience any.

Everyone knows about support groups for alcoholics and hard drug addicts, but there are also support groups out there for people who are trying to quit traditional cigarettes. Finding a group of people who are going through the same thing you are going through or recently have gone through the same thing can go a long way to help you out. They will have a shoulder you can lean on when things get tough and you can also get helpful advice from them if a particular technique worked to help them to quit smoking.

An unconventional way to quit smoking is to blog about your attempt to quit smoking. By blogging about it, you will want to impress your readers and try not to disappoint them. This will also make it easier for you to track your progress while you continue to try to quit smoking. Sometimes it’s easier to be motivated if you actually write down the small baby steps you are taking as you move forward. This will reassure you that you are actually making progress, even if it is just minor progress. Minor progress is certainly better than nothing.

Another tip is to ask around your friends and family members to see if any of them have quit smoking before. They can also lend you some advice. Try to use as many tips as possible to increase your chances of quitting.